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Moment Search

Find the exact moment you're looking for just by using simple language.

Search made simple.

Skip using natural language to find relevant moments in videos.

Submit a video to Cutlabs

Skip using natural language to find relevant moments in videos.

Type to search and turn that moment into a clip

Skip using natural language to find relevant moments in videos.

Download and post

Skip using natural language to find relevant moments in videos.

Stop timeline scrubbing.

Skip using natural language to find relevant moments in videos.

Type words or phrases

Cutlabs will identify all the moments where searched words or phrases are mentioned inside the video.

In-game events

Cutlabs understands over 1,000 in-game events from popular game titles. Search for headshots, deaths, victories, and more.


Search results come up in 20 milliseconds or less.

Make your moment.

Skip using natural language to find relevant moments in videos.

Review the moment

From viral score predictions, summaries, and even playback speed controls, it’s fast to review your clips.

Turn it into a clip

It just takes one click to make it a clip.

Your moment, shared.

Skip using natural language to find relevant moments in videos.

Download in HD

Our powerful cloud rendering enables you to download anywhere in the world.

Post across social media

Share your highlight clips on all social platforms.

Build your audience

More highlight clips means more people engaging with you.

Moment Search by Cutlabs
A faster way to find your moments.
What the community is saying

The Moments Search works really well; and it's very simple and intuitive to make small edits to the transcript by searching for words.

Rachel Zabrina


Cutlabs has enabled me to post 4x more content and in a fraction of the time. As a creator, that is invaluable.

Krade Classic

Moment Search makes it really easy to search through my streaming session to find moments I can share with my community.


Cutlabs is such a powerful tool capable of saving a great amount of time when it comes to video editing, delivering high quality content.

Radio Drible

Is Moment Search free to use?

Yes, all users including Free Plans can use Moment Search.

What videos will Moment Search work with?

Moment search will work on any video - except for silent videos at the moment (to be announced).

How Does Moment Search work?

We've developed an AI that actually understands what is going on in a video. Our technical staff has over 50 years of experience in AI video understanding, with work featured in popular social media camera apps and VR devices.

How fast is Moment Search?

Search results come in 20 milliseconds or less.

Get your time back

Growing creators save 4 hours of editing work
per week with Cutlabs.

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