Used by 5,000+ creators
20,000+ footage hours clipped
Free to try
No credit card required
The fastest way to  make highlight clips.
The AI-powered clipper built for 
Get highlight clips without hours of editing
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Used by 5,000+ creators
20,000 footage hours clipped
Free to try
No credit card required

“I have such limited free time in life, I'm like, well, I don't want to spend my time editing.”


“These guys focus on finding the highlights that really matter.”


“Honestly I’m super happy with Cutlabs. It’s a really good tool.”

Trent Bauer

“This saves me a lot of time by giving me short-form content that I can quickly push to YouTube.”


”This definitely saves a bunch of time that I’ll spend streaming now”

Matts Computer Service

"Why use Cutlabs? Simple, it just saves a ton of time."


"This lets me spend more time streaming rather than scrubbing VODs."


"I barely have time to edit clips myself, and I can't justify hiring someone."


We got your niche covered

Product Reviewers
Game Streamers
And More

Highlight clips without any of the work.

Cutlabs uses state-of-the-art AI to actually understand what is happening inside a video and deliver viral highlight clips that you can instantly post. Built to support any type of content and any length of video. Get clips faster and get more free time. All it takes is a click.

Saving time doesn’t just stop with finding the right clips. We packed even more features for those finishing touches.

Built-in essentials for more convenience.

Start Free

We’ll always have a free plan to help everyone start saving time

Virality Score

Realtime feedback on your viral your moment is and why


Personalize overlays that get viewers to understand your brand

Smart Frame

Change aspect ratios while keeping the story in frame

Clip Trim

Adjust clip durations to get the perfect pacing

Auto Title

Ditch writer’s block and get to posting faster

Fast Results

Go from hours to minutes after upload to posting clips

HD Renders

High quality picture no matter what hardware you have


How does it work?

Cutlabs uses state-of-the-art AI models and powerful cloud-based computer processors that analyze and understand the actual video content. Our AI models identify trends on the Internet and make recommendations on what parts of your content have the potential to go viral.

How does "Clip That" work?

If you say "clip that" during your livestream, Cutlabs will automatically detect all those moments and start there for clipping. This is on by default for all Twitch and Youtube Live Gaming VODs. There are no settings or toggles to mess with on the site, just say "clip that" and it'll work!

How are you different?

Cutlabs supports more than just podcasts and "talking-head" content. Our AI actually understands what is happening in your video, from the explosions, character movement, establishing shots, and more. We can work with game streamers, vlogs, travel documentaries, and more!

Is Cutlabs free to use?

Cutlabs is free to use and will always have a free plan. We're committed to enabling any creator. at any stage of growth, save time while growing their audience.

How long can videos be?

Cutlabs can support videos up to 12 hours long and even longer videos soon! We are the only AI clipper that can support videos of these lengths, making it perfect for streamers or any type of long-form content you want to make.

Create clips 10x faster
Automate editing with an AI-powered assistant
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